City Centre Insights September 2022

Our monthly report offers a range of insights on the performance of York city centre. Click HERE to read the report for September 2022.
Data provided by O2 indicates that during September 2022, York city centre experienced a 16% decrease in footfall compared to August 2022 and a decrease of 27.4% with respect to September 2021 in the previous year.
The highest footfall levels were experienced during the weekend of the 24th during the York Food & Drinks Festival shown above.
Visitor Demographics
Visitor demographics were overall consistent with July but showing a slightly higher proportion of visitors aged over 55 and a reduction in 1-time visitors.
Trips to the city centre from ‘locals’ based with a 10km radius of the city centre represented 48% of the total visitor numbers (an increase of 5% from the previous month) whereas those travelling from 50km or more represented around 35% of total visits (a decrease of 5%). Note that figures do not reflect visits from oversees.
Overall, 37% of visitors to the city during September were from the York Local Authority District which is a 3% increase on the previous month.
VISA data shown in the report are for the Q2-2022 and shows a gradual reduction in merchant sales from April to June 2022, seen most prominently in the hospitality sector.
On average, visitors travelling to the city centre from 20km or more spent 62% more per visit than those within the 20km radius.
VISA data is made available to us quarterly. Spend insights for Quarter 3 will be made available as part of the October report cooming soon.
To see our previous reports please visit our Insights & Trends page.
If you have any questions regarding the data, you are welcome to contact a member of the BID Team at