Car Parking

During our first term, influencing the City Council to improve the technology in car parks was a key remit for the York BID. The technology was outdated and visitors often had to rush back to car parks to put more money in the meter. In 2018 the BID partnered with City of York Council on a project to introduce new ‘pay on exit’ equipment to Marygate and Coppergate Centre Car Park (formally known as Piccadilly).
We are pleased to announce that the new ticketless technology with integrated ANPR cameras has now been installed in both city centre Car Parks. The system has been upgraded to enable customers to pay for parking as they leave the car park and will significantly improve the customer journey and experience.
ANPR cameras will read the car registration plate on entering the car park. When visitors leave, all they need to do is go to the payment machine, type in their car registration plate and pay any required charge for their stay.
Blue badge holders are able to scan their barcode or QR code for free or discounted parking at the Coppergate Centre Car Park.
ANPR cameras will read the car registration plate on leaving the car park. The ticketless parking system will recognise that payment has been made and the barrier will raise automatically to allow you to exit.
It’s hoped that the ‘pay on exit’ system will be rolled out across other city car parks.