About The BID

Levy Bill Supplements Archive
The BID Levy
York BID is funded primarily by an annual levy charged to businesses within its geographical boundary. Businesses who are eligible to pay the annual levy should make themselves familiar with the rules stated on this page. When formulating the levy rules consideration has been given to research and guidance provided by the BID Foundation and other industry bodies.
Levy Rules
The levy rate to be paid by each property or hereditament will be fixed at 1% of its rateable value (as per the 2017 Rating List) for the duration of the BID term. The rate remains unchanged from the previous term.
Under the Local Government Act 2003 and the Business Improvement District Regulations (England) 2004, the levy is mandatory by law for the full period of the term (not exceeding 5 years) and will be charged annually in advance for each chargeable period from April to March (starting on 1st April 2021).
The BID levy will apply to all eligible hereditaments located within the defined BID area and with a rateable value of over £17,500 (as per the 2017 Rating List). The threshold has changed from £12,500 in the previous term.
Businesses in the BID area who are exempt from the levy charge due to their rateable value can apply to become a voluntary levy payer. Details of this scheme are available on this page.
Liability for the full year's levy falls upon the Non-Domestic Ratepayer for the property on the date of billing (1st April each year). If the property is empty on the date of billing, then liability shall fall to upon the property owner.
No refunds will be made either fully, or in part, in respect of levy amounts paid should there be a change in Non-Domestic Ratepayer during the financial year. Neither the BID Company nor the Council will enter into negotiations between outgoing and incoming levy payers, and all said negotiations to recoup part-year payments must be resolved independently by the individual or company concerned.
Non-retail/leisure based businesses with charitable status will pay 50% of the levy that would otherwise apply. Medical practices that are wholly owned by the NHS will be made exempt from any levy charge.
Please note, no exemption or discounts will be issued to listed buildings and those who pay discounted business rates are not entitled to a levy discount as well.
With each new financial year the BID distributes a supplement letter to each of its members, with updates on projects delivered in the previous year and those forecast for the year ahead. An archive of previous supplement letters sent can be found in the left hand column. An annual review document (available in the 'downloads' page) is published in time for the company AGM which typically takes place in June each year.
Become a Voluntary BID Levy Payer
Businesses who occupy a commercial property in York city centre, but are not legally required to pay the annual York BID levy, may apply to become a voluntary levy payer. Voluntary members based within the BID Area will be able to access all standard BID services and benefits for an annual fee of 1% of their rateable value. Applications from businesses outside the BID Area will be considered on a case-by-case basis, based on programme viability and proximity.
To apply, please complete and submit an online form via the link on this page. Before applying, please ensure you read the voluntary levy rules and terms and conditions on this page. A member of the team will contact you soon after receiving your application to follow up.